How a stay-at-home mom built a business that fits her life
When Stacie’s son passed away, she knew she needed something to find personal fulfillment. The stay-at-home mom thought it would be impossible to find meaningful work without sacrificing her family’s way of life—until she found Liveops and the work-life balance she needed.
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“Prior to joining Liveops Nation, I had been a stay-at-home mom for 17-plus years. Our eldest son was born prematurely with a heart defect and sustained irreversible brain damage, which left him severely disabled. I devoted my life to caring for him and our three other children while my husband worked diligently to provide for our family.
Our son passed away in November 2013 after 14 years of valiantly fighting, teaching lessons of love and gratitude to all who knew him. There was an emptiness that could never be filled, but with time I knew I had so much more to give. I needed an outlet. A way to feel fulfilled and productive while still being present for my family.
When I stumbled upon Liveops something just felt different. I remember slinking off to the basement to record my voice audition, away from the noisiness that is my household. Each step of the way I felt more excited, nervous, and like I was on the precipice of something big. Something that was going to change our lives.
Dramatic? Maybe. True? Absolutely. I jumped in headfirst and have never looked back.
The work-life balance I have attained as an independent agent has proven to be, by far, the most amazing benefit of being a part of Liveops Nation! My partnership with Liveops has empowered me to flourish as an independent business owner while fitting beautifully into our lifestyle; allowing me to continue being present for my children and family. In all honesty, I still pinch myself. That ever-elusive work-life balance has become a reality and for that I am truly grateful!
Liveops maintains a comprehensive and robust learning environment accompanied by an amazing support network that emphasizes agent accountability while facilitating individual achievement. Liveops has proven to be a committed partner, providing agents with the tools and resources vital to success. This has given me the opportunity to not only contribute to our family’s financial security but, most importantly, to attain a sense of self—to find a “new” me.
There is immense pride in the work I do. As an independent agent providing support to patients, I am both thankful and acutely cognizant of the impact human connection has on one’s overall well-being. This isn’t just a “job,” this is a calling. Being able to support, connect with, listen to and ultimately forge relationships of trust and hope with our folks has filled me with such gratitude and appreciation. I am truly indebted to Liveops for this opportunity to serve.
Liveops has been a game changer. It has afforded me the flexibility to financially contribute to our household, feel personally fulfilled and maintain a work-life balance that once seemed unattainable.”