Mom, business major and roadside assistance agent
“I’m 26 years old, I’m newly married, I’m a stay-at-home mom, and I work with Liveops because it’s so flexible for me,” said LaMoya, who’s also in school working toward a business degree.
Previously, LaMoya worked in an office as an administrative assistant and as an account coordinator. But when her baby arrived, she needed a way to earn an income without sending him to daycare. “Now I make just the same or even more than I was making when I was out in corporate. It’s not like I’m at home and making less.”
LaMoya provides services for a roadside assistance client. “I also have roadside assistance,” she said, so it makes it easy to relate to the customer. “I can tell them ‘I actually have this same product that you’re calling in about.’”
LaMoya loves being able to work at whatever time of day she chooses. “If I’m up later, if I cannot sleep, I log in and check the schedule and try to put some hours in servicing while everybody is down.”
“You get to set your schedule, you get to work around any events that you may have. You may not be able to work mornings today but then you can work afternoons because the flexibility is there.”
Advice for new agents
For new agents, she recommends staying focused and regularly checking your Liveops schedule for open blocks that you can commit to work.“I literally check my schedule night and day. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, I’ll check the schedule just to see if there’s hours posted for later on,” she said.
She also tells new agents “get to know your products. That’s very important, especially on the inbound sales account. The more you know the better it is for you, the more comfortable you’ll feel on the phones, and it will just work out best for you that way because you’re not nervous and you’re not just reading a script.”
“Just do it, because you won’t regret it. The income is there to be made.”
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NOTE: Liveops does not guarantee independent agents or business owners will reach a specific level of income. Earning potential varies considerably based on the hours they schedule themselves to take calls, the clients to whom they provide services, the number of states and the specific state in which they are licensed, their relevant skills, as well as individual performance.