How I became a work-at-home mom

How I extended my maternity leave and became a work-at-home mom
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When I became pregnant with my first son, I had a promising career at a great company. I loved the work I did, but I knew I couldn't be the mom I wanted to be after a long day and a long commute. I decided to extend my maternity leave and use the time to figure out how to stay home with my kids. Within a few months, I found flexible, part-time work from home that was perfect for my family.
If I could tell new moms one thing, it would be that there are options to extend your maternity leave or simply work from home instead. I was surprised at how many work-from-home opportunities are out there and I tried several before finding the one that worked for me.
[epq-quote align="align-center"]"Being a Liveops independent agent has allowed me to still be that stay-at-home mom I have always dreamed of being!"[/epq-quote]
You don’t have to dread the day your maternity leave ends or wonder how you will leave your child if you want to be a stay-at-home mom. Workplace flexibility is a growing trend offering more legitimate work-from-home for moms to choose from. Searches for flexible careers, telecommuting, and remote work will yield many options to choose from—and many scams (see our article on avoiding work-from-home scams). With some determination and due diligence you can find legitimate work for moms that meets your needs.
I help people find remote work opportunities at Liveops, a company that is embracing the gig economy and modernizing customer service work. Many Liveops independent contractor agents are moms like me.
There are many benefits to being a work-at-home mom with Liveops:
- Work around your baby’s nap schedule or your partner’s work schedule, so you can still be a full-time mom;
- Contribute to your family budget while saving money on childcare and commuting;
- Work from the comfort of your own home instead of adding a stop at the daycare center to your commute;
- Build on your prior work experience and keep your work identity so that you can be a business professional and an amazing mom.
You may find that what starts out as a way to extend your maternity leave turns into a long-term solution for you and your family. Imagine being able to contribute to your family finances while still having the flexibility to attend baby classes or playdates during the day. Or being able to increase your hours as your child grows and goes to school, and still being home during school vacations. You can do it!
I encourage you to look at the flexible work for moms that Liveops offers. It’s an awesome opportunity and a great community to work with.